Queenship and Revolution in Early Modern Europe review in the Royal Studies Journal
New Canadian Encyclopedia Article: Prince Harry
Queen’s Alumni Review Article: Queenship and Revolution in Early Modern Europe: From PhD dissertation to award-winning book
CTV News Channel Interviews for the Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations
Upcoming Guest Lecture: Magna Carta at 801: Arts and Letters Club, June 20
Upcoming Guest Lecture on June 8: The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration in Rockwood, Ontario
The cover of my forthcoming book “Raising Royalty: 1000 Years of Royal Parenting”
CBC News Interview: Humility and ‘having a good time’: Prince Harry brings his royal rapport to Toronto
CBC News Interview: The Queen at 90: Why Elizabeth has so many birthdays
CBC News Interview: The Queen at 90: Why it’s more than just a celebration of Elizabeth’s birthday
Queenship and Revolution in Early Modern Europe receives 2016 Royal Studies Journal book award
Upcoming Guest Lecture: Magna Carta and Its Gifts to Canada at Innis College, University of Toronto, April 27 at 9:45am
New Canadian Encyclopedia Article: Letters Patent, 1947
New Canadian Encyclopedia Article: Sovereign
Ms. Suffragette Interview Part 2: Queens Behaving Badly
Ms. Suffragette Interview: Queen Victoria’s Opposition to Women’s Suffrage
BBC News Interview: When the Duke of Windsor met Adolf Hitler
My 3rd Book: Raising Royalty: 1000 Years of Royal Parenting is now available for pre-order
My Imperial Spain course at the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies begins March 15
New Canadian Encyclopedia Article: Monarchism