My latest article in the Canadian Encyclopedia: Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee – 2012
CTV News coverage of my Magna Carta book tour
My Magna Carta lecture series at Fort York this October
My article about Prince Rupert on the cover of Canada’s History Magazine
Magna Carta Book Signings and Lectures in Saskatoon and Regina
Toronto Public Library Talk on September 24: Peter the Great and the Building of St. Petersburg
My Column in the Globe and Mail and Interviews about Queen Elizabeth II becoming longest reigning monarch
Magna Carta book signings and talks in Winnipeg August 14-16 2015
CBC News Interview: Royal archives: What Canadian secrets might they reveal?
Magna Carta And Its Gifts to Canada on Globe and Mail Bestseller List
Canadian Geographic Magazine Interview: The Charter of the Forest
CBC News Interview: Princess Charlotte’s christening: A balance between private celebration and public show
Interview: The Great Kate Debate: Is it Kate Middleton or HRH The Duchess of Cambridge?
My 2015-2016 courses at the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies
Column in the National Post: Magna Carta established that nobody, not even the king, was above the law of the land
Toronto Star Interview: King John known for murder and Magna Carta
Radio&TV Interviews for Monday June 15, the 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta
CBC News Interview: Magna Carta: From King John’s lechery and treachery to our liberty
Ottawa Book Signings on June 12