Magna Carta and the Development of Parliament
Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester My latest article on the Magna Carta 2015 Canada website discusses the impact of Magna Carta on...
Magna Carta and the Development of Parliament
Shakespeare’s Missing Magna Carta
My articles on Magna Carta and The Charter of the Forest in the Canadian Encyclopedia
The Truth About Royal Spending
A King’s Ransom by Sharon Kay Penman (Historical Fiction Review)
Where is Magna Carta Today?
The Rebirth of Magna Carta
Canadian Geographic Magazine Interview: The Charter of the Forest
King John, England and the Wider World in 1215
My Tedx Talk on Women and Magna Carta
New book chapter “King John and Magna Carta in Popular Culture” in Magna Carta: Muse and Mentor
The Magna Carta: Coming to Canada in 2015